Monday, March 19, 2012

Successful Surgery for Marshall

Photo courtesy of
     News is Marshall had a successful surgery that lasted about 30 minutes and went very well and people around Marshall are more optimistic about his return.  Even Marshall seems to be in good spirits as he was having a little humor after the surgery tweeting "Successful morning, I'm screwed"  Hopefully things will work out and Carolina can avoid having to use him on Friday and hopefully he can be ready for a game Sunday should the heels win Friday.

      The bone is on the inside of the right wrist where it connects to the thumb fracture was at the distal part of the bone meaning it was closer to the thumb than the wrist which is a good thing due to that part of the bone having a better blood supply than the proximal part and can heal rather quickly with an aggressive treatment.  I am involved in the medical field and focus mostly with athletic injuries, the best choice in my opinion and limited information on minor details of the injury, is that surgery was the best choice and would have the quickest recovery.  The only thing left for him to do now is to keep on with th icing to keep swelling down and do exercises to keep the mobility in that wrist, so it doesn't stiffen up.  The question with playing will mostly come down to how much pain can he handle and continue to be effective.  Hopefully he isn't needed Friday so he can rest for Sunday should that time come. 

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